
Rough Rider Brandy Cask Straight Bourbon Whisky (45% ABV) 750 ML


Aged in American oak barrels, this Whiskey is created from a mash bill of corn, rye, and barley. It has a beautiful sweet and fruity taste that comes from its second maturation in casks formerly housing Merlot and Chardonnay. Before introducing the Bourbon, the casks are washed with high proof aged Brandy giving the final product notes of fresh juice, blackberry, and currant, along with the traditional Brandy tastes of caramel, and burnt sugar.

Additional information

Weight 1.23 kg
Dimensions 33 × 9 × 9 cm

United States




750 ml

Alcohol By Volume (ABV)

45% ABV

SKU     788288 Category     Tag

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